
  • 12/22/2017
    Open for Abstract Submission
  • 03/01/2018
    Close for Abstract Submission
  • 04/03/2018
    Answer for Abstract Submissions
  • 04/29/2018
    End of Early Registration
  • 06/08/2018
    End of Regular Registration
  • 07/05/2018
    Late Registration

Participate > Call for Papers

The 2018 ICT proceedings will be published again as an article collection in the Journal of Electronic Materials (JEM). Manuscripts for the 2018 ICT collection will be evaluated according to the same high standards as would be applied to any article submitted to the journal. Authors are encouraged to read carefully and comply with the "Instructions for Authors" on the JEM website. Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been previously published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

The deadline for the submission of manuscripts is August 21, 2018. Manuscripts submitted after this deadline will not be considered for the collection; however, late submissions may still be considered for publication in another issue of the journal. The conference also has best paper awards, announced at the conference. Best paper awardees will be selected from manuscripts submitted by the best paper award deadline of June 20, 2018.

If this is the first time you have submitted a manuscript to JEM, click "register" and follow the instructions to set up a new account. You may then login. If you are a returning or registered user, please click "submit new manuscript". In either case, select article type as "2018 ICT". A wide range of submission file formats are supported; however, PDF is not an acceptable format.

  • Please submit your manuscript formatted in one column, double spaced. This is important for the further processing steps.
  • Please upload your manuscript only once. A PDF file will be generated by the submission system. You will be sent an e-mail requesting the approval of your submission.
  • Please return to the main menu and approve your submission.
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